Consulting for organizations and the individuals who inhabit them.
Consulting for organizations and the individuals who inhabit them.
Executive Coaching. While providing strategic direction to the organization, executives have to consider contextual factors in managing interpersonal relations inside and outside the organization, managing team dynamics, and balancing demands for productivity and accountability. The coaching relationship creates personal space to consider operating context, strategy, relationships and dynamics in the executive role.
Leadership Coaching. Coaching assists with development of new perspectives and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and behaviors to assist with the actual or anticipated assumption of a new leadership role, whether in a start-up, as an elected official, in a faith-based or community organization, or in a supervisory role at the job. A collaborative approach is utilized to identify leader needs, goals and values, then determine agendas for coaching sessions to ensure rich discussion regarding the personal and organizational challenges of leadership.
Life Coaching. Performance opportunities. Transitions in friendships, couple relationships, parenting roles. School-, work- or opportunity-inspired dislocations and relocations. Movement in jobs, careers, stages of life. While each of these transitions presents opportunities for growth, they also present new challenges. Engagement in goal-focused interactive coaching assists with development of strategies to address the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities in ways that are true to your values.
A case study approach is taken to develop a snapshot of recent as well as current operations and work products to ascertain alignment with mission, vision, values and targets and opportunities for enhancing alignment. This assessment can be completed for projects, divisions or for entire organizations.
This very fluid operating environment for non-profit and for-profit organizations necessitates change-oriented structures and leaders at all levels who can act swiftly and purposefully while building the confidence and capacity of staff to embrace change. Strategic planning is used to articulate goals and targets that consider existing methods and systems while laying the groundwork for change and innovation as demanded by circumstances.
The need for significant organizational change can be generated by organizational assessments, strategic plans, major funding changes, major industry changes or unanticipated crises. Common Forces, LLC partners with organizational leaders to identify and plan for dangers and opportunities of change, design changes and work with key staff on change implementation.
Common Forces, LLC works with organizations to assess and enhance staff competence in multi-gender, multi-cultural relations both inside the organization and in interaction with communities where work is conducted. We provide education that considers the cultural, cognitive and behavioral sources and manifestations of bias, and includes experiential learning and opportunity for personal reflection to assist with gaining and sustaining improvements in organizational and community climate. We further provide presentations regarding global relations and international conflict.